5 Podcasts for Self-Publishing

Obviously I am #teamindie (is that a thing? If not, it is now). Lately I’ve been loving podcasts, especially on writing. Most of these are about self-publishing, which is what I plan to do. Even though all of these are for self-publishing, even those seeking the traditional route can benefit from listening. You never know who may have words for you, even if the whole idea of self-publishing isn’t for you.
So, without further ado, here’s 5 podcasts that I’m totally obsessed with.
5 Podcasts for Self-Publishing

1. The Creative Penn

Joanna Penn is really freaking awesome. She’s got a British accent, which makes her pretty cool, but she’s a full-time writer. There’s over 200 episodes of her podcast, and she has some awesome guests. You can join her newsletter and get some cool downloads and see all her books, both fiction and non-fiction. >> Podcast page.

2. Books, Business & Beyond

I don’t listen to this one as often, because it’s shorter, but these two ladies have a lot of fun. One lady dubbs herself as “The Book Ninja!”, so I find that pretty awesome. This one is definitely great for those looking more toward the marketing aspect of a book. >> Podcast Page.
#selfpub authors can learn a lot from these 5 podcasts. Share on X

3. Author Strong

This one is one I just discovered a few days ago, but it’s a mentor and his mentor-ee, both based in Houston. So, maybe I’ll start dropping in through Houston to meet these great people. They also do podcasts every day, so props to them for that. The guy, Matt, has done NaNoWriMo in a day. Four separate times.  >> Podcast page.

4. Rocking Self-Publishing

It actually took me a while to really get into this one, but he’s got a bunch of great guests. And he’s also British, with a wicked sense of humor, so I totally enjoy that. His website is also full of great stuff, and you can get his e-book for free on Amazon.  Subscribe to the podcast here.

5. The Self-Publishing Podcast

This is the ultimate podcast about self-publishing. If you listen to any of these podcasts above, they’ll mention this one. It’s three guys who have all self-published, and they’re all potty mouths. All of them are super smart, and they’ve all taken different approaches to marketing and producing books, so you’ll get to see multiple sides of self-publishing. They don’t have a website right now (at least it’s giving me a bunch of errors), but you can find them with a quick google search!
Do you have any podcasts you love? For either traditional publishing or self-publishing? Let me know.

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