
5 Things to Do While You Wait for the Editor

Tuesday night, at around 11:30pm, I finished the edits on my book. At least, my own personal edits. today, I dropped that sucker into the inbox of my editor. To be honest, right now, I’m feeling a bit lost. I spent so much time in July preparing this manuscript, and I feel really good about it, y’all.

5 Things to Do While You Wait for the Editor

But now, I’m in a bit of a waiting period while my editor goes through the manuscript before we go head first into edits (I’m comma happy, so we have lots of those to clean up). So, today, we’re going to talk about some things you can do while you wait for your editor to come back with the notes.

5 Things to Do While You Wait for the Editor

Start the Sequel – If you’re an indie publisher, you don’t have to wait a year to put your next book out, because you dictate the schedule, woohoo! A lot of people in the indie world say to have three books ready before you actually start to see a lot of momentum. So, I’m trying to finish the first draft of the sequel to my book this month before I go back to class. That way, once the first book is released, I won’t be starting from scratch on this one.

Waiting for your editor to give you feedback on your story? Here's 5 things to do in the meantime to help your career. Share on X

Make a Markting Plan – Whether you’re indie or traditional, you will have to do some of your own marketing. That is just a fact. No one will be more dedicated to finding readers for your book than you are. Decide on some of the big things now, even if those things change. Will you do a book tour? Will you buy ads? Hashtags? The list is endless.

Create a Community – This is still in the works, but I’m working on building a little community where writers can meet one another and talk about everything writing and book related. It’s still a work in progress, but I’m hoping to build it up and really have an awesome community where I can connect with people.

Make an Editorial Calendar – Blogging is another great way to connect with readers and other writers, but sometimes, it can be hard to come up with ideas. Making a calendar (and sticking to it), will make it easier to build that platform for when you launch your book.

Catch Up on Your Reading – I know when I get deep down in the editing hole, I don’t really read. Take some time to catch up on your favorite authors’ works, or find a new favorite.

Even if you aren’t working on your novel this very moment, you can still do plenty of things to help yourself for when the book does launch. Do you have anything you’d add to the list?


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