
Be Bold in 2016 // Blogging Goals

Be Bold in 2016 is a four-week link-up to cover our goals for the year. Now that I’m back from my mini-break this week, I’m excited to break down what I’ll be working on for the blog this year.
Be Bold in 2016This year, I have a few goals in mind. The problem with this year is that I don’t have a lot of details right now on what will happen. I want to make the best of the situation for both the blog and my books, but I also know that it’ll all change in a moment.
So without further ado, here are some goals for the Ginger & Co./Books brand in 2016.

Refocus on My Mind

With graduation now a thing of the past and the new year three weeks after that, I knew this was the ideal time to retool and refocus the blog. You’ll still see tips about college (we still have members of The Company in college), but I’ll be focusing more on life as a millennial woman – career tips, organizing, and side-hustling. Content-wise, I don’t think you’ll see too much change, but the blog will be a bit more focused in its approach.
Think of it as Ginger & Co. 2.0 (if you read that right, it totally rhymes)

E-books & E-Courses

If I’m going to make this work while I look for a job, I want to expand the types of content here on the blog. Specifically, in mind, I have a few e-courses in mind. I’m also brainstorming some new content for The Library. I “launched” it with one printable, and it did nothing. That was my fault though, so.

A Community

Everyone wants to build a community, right? Well, I’m no different. I’ve found that some of my favorite people are people on the internet, and I want to meet more awesome people. Who doesn’t?
2016 is going to be a great year for the blog, I just know it.
What are you blogging goals for 2016? 

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