For the Love of Word: Q2 Goals
This is a new series (inspired by Kristen at to the site. Every quarter I’ll break down my writing and reading goals so you know what’s happening behind the scenes and we can share some new books together!
In future updates I’ll break down what I have read and what I accomplished in the past quarter, but since this is the first one, I’ll start out with my goals.
Finish Hit List. Right now, I’m finishing up the first draft of the fourth Cassie Morgan book, Hit List. I’m about halfway through the draft and hope to finish in the next week or two. This is the final book in the “first” part of the book series, so I’m spending more time closing plot and lines and making sure the ending is satisfying and makes sense.
After I finish Hit List, I’ll loop back around to start edits on the third book in the series, Justice & Lies. I expect my edits and rewrites to take about a month and a half to two months, so I’m hoping that I’ll finish by the beginning of July. I suspect these two projects will take at least three months to finish, which will cover the quarter.
Lately, I’ve slacked on reading, and I need to get back on track. For reading, I’m hoping to read at least 6 books in the next three months, hopefully more. I’m currently reading a few different books, including Eat, Pray, Die. The book has a sequel I’m hoping to read after. I have a few other books after, and as I finish each, I’ll be sure to add book reviews here and on Goodreads.
I’ve always found that being open with my goals publicly helps me accomplish them more. So in July, I’ll be back with an update!