For the Love of Words: June 2018

June is here, y’all, and we’re almost ending the first half of the year. So far this year, my reading has been way beyond what I expected by my writing has been a little less so. I think my problem with writing is that I’m highly too ambitious on myself and expect machine-level performance.
I am not a machine.
I am a human being. A human who has low points and high points and isn’t as productive as she’d like to be. My goal is still to write 1000 words every day, and I’m definitely plugging along most days hitting my goal.


A look Back at May

The Books I Read

May was a bit of dismal month for me, I started a few books that I didn’t finish including one where I made the connection fifty pages in and just couldn’t do it anymore. Work has been unreasonably busy, so my reading hasn’t been as aggressive as it has in the past.
The final total for books I read in May was five, I believe.
  • Reunion in Death
  • Purity in Death
  • The Girl Before
  • I’ll be Gone in the Dark
The first two are both in the In Death series by J.D. Robb. The second two are stand alone. The Girl Before is a novel told from two points of view and alternate time frames. There’s a mysterious, rich man who definitely gives off Christian Grey vibes and overall, the book was a lot of fluff, but no anything exciting.


I’ll be Gone in the Dark is a true crime story that weaves Michelle MacNamara’s search for the Golden State Killer with the background of his crimes. I’m about two-thirds of the way done with the book and I’m sure that I’ll finish in the next few days.




I’m still working on the second short story in my little series. While I was hoping to have the story done in the month of May, I’m only about halfway done. I’m going to have a month off in June, so I’m hoping to catch up on writing and at least start the third one.


Every year, around this time where Summer hits, I realize my publishing plan for the year is going up in flames. This year is no different. We’ll see if I get anything out this year, but I’m starting to think maybe not so much.




I have a few books on my list that I’m excited to read this month, including some I just didn’t get to last month.
Obviously I’ll be finishing I’ll be Gone in the Dark, but I have a few other ones in my list.
  • I’ll be Gone in the Dark
  • Our Kind of Cruelty
  • The Last Equation of Issace Severy
  • Portrait in Death
  • Imitation in Death
  • Big Jack
As I said before, I have a whole week off in the middle of the month (maybe more, hopefully not) so I’m hoping I can get some serious reading in during this month. For the In Death series, I’d like to have the whole series read by the end of 2018 and I’m actually behind on schedule.


I might spend most of July reading just those books.



I’ll finish the second short story here soon, and then start the third one. After I write both of these first drafts, I’m not sure if I’ll go back to edit this series or head back to my other series.


There is a lot in the air and I have no answers yet.


Either way, I’m hoping to recover this month and have a solid month.

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