
The Ginger's Blog Tips: Using Bloglovin

A few years ago when Google killed Google Reader, there was a huge push to jump on Bloglovin. Back then, it was an app/website I was familiar with, but I just didn’t use it all that much. If you don’t know what bloglovin is, it’s a website you can follow blogs on and read all the blog posts from your favorite bloggers without actually leaving the website. They recently added “collections” so you can save posts however you like.

Using Bloglovin

I use bloglovin for a few different things – building an audience, but also finding great bloggers to follow and content to share later on (you can read a little more on sharing content in this post).

Building an Audience - Obviously, when you take blogging seriously, you want to build an audience. I actually find that bloglovin is the one place I don’t have to actively campaign to get new readers, they just kind of trickle their way in. Sure, if I really promoted it, I’m sure I’d have better stats, but for now, it’s just cooking in its little corner and I’m fine with that.

Finding Other Bloggers - This is one that I sometimes feel like I need more work on. It’s really easy to hop around on bloglovin and follow a million other bloggers, but I usually look for a few key things before I hit that “follow” button. What kind of content do they have? I often love productivity, blogging tips, and Public relations blogs. Those are some of my “Sweet spots” so I look for people who are like me.

Do you use #bloglovin? Not sure how to utilize it to its full ability? read this. Share on X

I follow others I feel can teach me something I don’t already know, or someone who can inspire me with success.

Sharing Content - Especially now that bloglovin has introduced “collections” I save all sorts of posts with the intention to go back and add them to my sharing queues. It hasn’t happened yet, but I swear it’s coming! Sharing content is how you make friends in the blogging world that you may not know otherwise. People love for their content to be shared, and I am sharing content constantly. 

These are the three ways I use bloglovin, but I want to know, do you use it in a different way? And be sure to follow Ginger + Co. on bloglovin, and Ginger + Books too.

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