
July Writing Goals

Wow. I can’t believe July is tomorrow! Y’all, this past month has been… tough. A real glimpse into what life after graduation may hold. And the scary thing is, I really struggled to work writing into my schedule.
july writing goals
Yikes. That’s just a tad bit terrifying. When I’m too busy to write at school, there’s always the promise of Christmas break or summer break. But once I graduate? Neither of those really exist. So, this month, I’m going to have to figure out how to write, blog, and do everything else while I still can. Lots of changes in the month of June have left me with a pretty open July (minus one class), so I definitely plan to use it to my advantage.
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Looking back at June, I really only had three goals for June. Here’s what they were:

Find some beta readers: I have one awesome beta reader, but I know that I really ought to have a couple more. My only problem is, where do you find a beta reader? So, I’m going to figure that out next month, and in July, I’ll let you know!
Launch the newsletter: If you’re on the blog, you can sign up over there, but you can sign up for The Ginger’s Book Club right here. I’m really excited to launch it at the end of June! I’ll spend most of June coming up with some great ideas.
Make an exciting announcement about an e-book: I feel like I’ve already said enough, but I’ll be hopefully making some exciting news later in the month about something fun!

Find another beta reader? Well, that didn’t really happy.
Launch the newsletter? That did! The first edition of Ginger’s Book Club landed in inboxes Saturday morning! Over the next few weeks, we’ll go more in-depth into plot, but you’ll only get access to that through the newsletter.
Make an exciting announcement? Haha… nope. I’m working on one, but this past month really sucked up time and I just didn’t get it done.
So, for July, I’m sticking with three goals for the month.
Finish The Assassin – I’m going through a big round of edits before I dump it back all on the editor. I’m tightening it up, going through and really being meticulous about the wording in each chapter. I managed to get over a big plot hole I had in the draft back in June, and I’m hoping to keep the momentum going. I’ve also started posting chapters of the book on . I’m getting some good response there too, so that’s a great motivator!
Launch that e-book – It involves author brands and I’m really excited. Now that I have time, I can actually work on it. I promise, it’ll be good! I’m super excited for this to be the first e-book, and it’ll have lots of great goodies.
Build up that newsletter – I have really big plans for Ginger’s Book Club, and I’m really taking a lot of time this summer to focus on planning for that and the rest of Ginger & Books. This is going to be a fun rest of the summer!
What are some of your writing goals this month?

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