Looking at Your Last Semester
Your last semester in college is a big semester. Graduation, job applications, and classwork are just a few things on the list of balancing acts you pull when you’re in your last semester. With so many things going on, sometimes it’s hard to know when to do what. So, today, I want to break down, month-by-month, what you should be doing your last semester of college.
Month One (August/January):
-Settle into classes. Even if your mind is focused on post-graduation, you have to get to graduation first. Don’t let your grades slip.
-Begin making a list of places you want to apply to. I actually started this list a while ago, just as reference, but you need to have a solid list of companies you’d want to at least interview with. You don’t have to take a lot of time with this, but if you’re online and find a website for a company you like, save it in an Evernote binder using the web clipper. That’s what I do.
Month Two (September/February):
-You’ll probably need to apply for graduation at this point, I know September 14th was the cut-off date for my school. Right now, I’m waiting for the email saying I’m good to for graduation.
-Spruce up that resume. When was the last time you opened up that file on your computer? Take the time to really invest in it. Get a new design (you can find plenty online). Work on that personal statement.
Last semester of #college? Here's a breakdown of when you should do what for school & career. Share on X
Month Three (October/March):
This is where I am right now!
-Contact former employers and professors for reference. Obviously, you want to be courteous and thank them. Pick people you have good relationships with.
-Begin applying for jobs! I just applied for a few jobs, and I’m waiting for the next steps.
-Be sure you’re keeping up with class. Your last semester will probably see more projects than normal (at least mine does). If you don’t write all your due dates down and keep up with those projects.
Month Four (November/April):
-You should still be applying for jobs, but you should also be interviewing for jobs!
-Finish up those projects. Most projects will wrap up the last week of month four or the first week of month five.
-Start planning your graduation festivities!
Month Five (December/May):
-Keep interviewing.
-If you have job offers, you need to make your final decision and let each company know whether you’ll work with them or not.
-Graduate, and have fun with it! Graduating college is a great accomplishment!
Your last semester is the last chance to have a wonderful college experience, so make sure you put your all into it, but still work at finding that dream job!