March Recap
March felt a little like a doozy. There was so much happening in my life that just popped up, it was hard to focus on the writing and the reading and the things that I enjoy myself.
Since it’s the end of the quarter, I’ll break down boy my goals for March today and then m tyo goals for the quarter tomorrow. Then after that, we’ll break down Q2 goals and then April goals.
I’m actually going on a work trip too, which means I’ll be writing all these posts at the same time. Love that procrastination for myself, haha.
Back in November, when I was interviewing for my current job, one of the questions they asked was how I got over a bad day or a call, a bad moment, and I feel that right now. My answer was that I love a new start.
The next interaction, the next day, the next month, heck the next quarter. I’m not soley definited by what has happened in the last month or quarter.
That being said, it wasn’t pretty.
G O A L ONE: Write 100,000 words between my romance novel and The Girl in the Hay Bale.
Back in about mid-February, I made an executive decision to shelf The Girl in the Hay Bale for a bit while I worked on a much bigger and vast project. The goal for March was to get 60,000 words in this book and this past Saturday, I even attempted a 10,000 word day.
That did not go well.
For March, my overall word count was 30,895. So, about half of what I had wanted for March but probably still my best month of the quater.
G O A L TWO: Grow social media. My social media count is dropping and I should care but the past few years, I’ve just struggled with staying relevant with social media and I know reels and tiktoks and videos are all the rage and to be honest, I’m not here for it. I’ve gained weight over the last few years and I’m pretty self-conscious about how my body looks these days, especially with my face. I just see videos and photos and feel so bloated.
I didn’t really focus much on social media this month at all, but I have committed myself to doing this by signing up for a social media scheduler, so since I’m now spending money on it, it feels like I need to get back in there.
G O A L THREE: Aim for a daily score of 75.
Part of me feels like i should give up on this goal since I never track this stuff. Whoops.
March really felt like a month of fighting for my creative survival with childrens’ birthday parties, family time, a trip, and just life in general. That’s the biggest thing I struggle with in life – balancing my need for my creativity with being a human with relationship expectations, whether romantic or platonic.
Maybe Q2 will provide some clarity on that.
Tomorrow, I’ll be back with a recap of Quarter 1 in general.