
My Q2 2024 Goals

We’re three days in to the second quarter of the year and this quarter has definitely started out unlike any other. I’m currently off at my first work conference, getting to see old coworkers and meeting new ones!

With this being the start of the quarter, it’s clear to say I’ll be a little slower than normal. That’s okay, because I’m feeling really good with my work and in what I’m doing. It’s only been a few months, but so far 30 feels good.

Every quarter when I sit down to do my goals, I go back to the HB90 Method of planning, where you set up three goals and break down everything into projects. This has worked well for me and the longer I do it, the faster I am at breaking down my goals. I broke down each goal based on how I did last quarter and what my goals are for 2024 in general.

So, without further ado, my quarter two goals and projects.

G O A L ONE: 150,000 words between Part I and Part II of Project Whisper.

Obviously, part of that is going to be done by writing and even this week, I took Friday off from my day job to go and try to write 10,000 words. I actually tried a 10,000 word last Saturday and just could not fight my distractions.

One problem that I’m already running into is the fact that I’m writing my book faster than I’m outlining it. While I’m on my trip this week, I’m hoping to sneak in half an hour or so at night to outline and get that finished.

Ideally, I’d like to outline the whole series in April so I have a good idea of what the overall arc is of the story. That’s my biggest struggle with writing series, getting lost in the overall plot line.

So, here’s to hoping those word count goals really get going this year.

G O A L TWO: Build my social media and email newsletter for a bigger reader base.

Instagram good, better, best goals: 800/900/1,000

Email Subscriber list goals: 50/75/100

I mentioned this earlier this week, but for so long, I didn’t know what to do with my newsletter and I took some time earlier this year to brainstorm what I want to do with it and I’m hoping that will help me. I really want to focus on content this year while I’m kind of underground writing this project, if that makes sense.

G O A L THREE: Work toward a daily score of 75 through a few steps:/

  • Read
  • journal
  • go on a walk 3 times a week/go swim laps

This third goal is really a combination of focusing on mental and physical health, because when I take better care of myself, I take care of my other things better, too.

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