My Q2 Goals
If quarter one was a doozy, I really need quarter two to be all engines running. I’m trying to be intentional more with my time (like using downtime during breaks and lunch) to really focus on these goals.
The thing that I love about the HB90 system that I’ve been using for a year is that it really helps you narrow down on what is important. Business and passion wise, writing is my thing. That’s all I want to do with my life, but I also want to be happy and healthy. I want my weight under control, I want to have better management of my anxiety and depression and I want to be a better girlfriend.
All of these things are important to me and I try to focus my goals on them.
Which is my goals are pretty similar to the ones I had last quarter.
GOAL ONE: Finish the first draft of Hit List and write 20,000 words of a new story.
Good/Better/Best goals: 95,000 in Hit List / 20,000 in new project / 30,000 in new project
I already have the story idea percolating in my brain, it’s just a matter of taking the time to plot it all out.
GOAL TWO: Focus on Social media to bring in more readers and build sales
I have a few good, better, best goals here.
Instagram: 700/800/1,000 followers Tiktok: 150/200/500 followers newsletter: 50/100/150 subscribers Monthly Sales: 5/10/20 sales
GOAL THREE: Focus on my well being and develop habits for a daily score average of 65.
This doesn’t have a good/better/best goal, but I’ve set up a system in Notion to give myself a daily score based on what things I accomplish. Like writing or reading, or going on a walk, hydrating myself, all these things that help me be a better human.
I have a tendency that when I get started, I go all in and then slowly fall apart with a goal. I really want to focus on taking the time each day to check in, update my goals, reflect on what is going on.
This time, I have to make it all work.