
The New Grad's Guide to 10 Second Pitches

The past two months while I’ve been unemployed, I’ve been going to networking meetings. One thing that I always run into is a 10-second pitch to introduce yourself. While most people use their ten-second pitches to discuss what they’ve done in the past, as a new grad you don’t have a lot of experience if any. Today, The New Grad’s Guide to 10 Second Pitches is going to change that.
The New Grad's Guide to 10 Second Pitches
Ten seconds will go by fast, but here are three important things you need to include in your 10-second pitch.

1. Your Name

You’re going to start out with your name. This one is a bit obvious, but it’s important. Does it matter what you do if they don’t know your name? Not that much.

2. What You Did in School

Since you probably don’t have work experience beyond college, talk about college. Name where you graduated, when you graduated, and what your degree is in. For instance, mine goes “I graduated in December from Sam Houston State University in Huntsville (because most people in DFW don’t know where that is), with a degree in public relations and advertising.”
If I really wanted to make it last a bit longer, I’d throw in that my degree is actually in Mass Communications with a concentration public relations and advertising, but isn’t that more than a mouthful?
Be a networking rockstar with The New Grad's Guide to 10 Second Pitches. Share on X

3. Related Experience

So while you haven’t been in the workforce, hopefully you didn’t just spend all of college doing nothing. Tailor your related experience to what you want to do now that you’re looking for a job. Because I’m looking for a job in social media, after I finish with my college education, I add something along the lines of “and I have experience in social media marketing.” Thank you, blogging.
If you had an awesome internship, you can talk about that here, too. Take something you did in college and make it work here.

4. Your Name. Again.

Yep, you’re going to say your name again. Repetition is key here. While you can dazzle them with what you’ve done in your college career, they have to remember your name, too. This is also the time you need to have your business card ready. You may not give it to them, but it’s better to be prepared if you’re asked to give a card than not.
Before you go to a networking event, take time to practice this. Practice saying it in a few different ways. Make sure your body language is confident and inviting. You want to be able to deliver it naturally, remember, you know you better than you. Keep your hands out of your pockets, don’t fold them over your chest, and stay relaxed. The more you practice, the easier it’ll be.
Also, having a solid ten-second pitch in place will help you with that dreaded interview question, “Tell me a little about yourself.”
Have you used a ten-second pitch before? What did you talk about as a new grad?

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