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Pump Yourself Up for Writing

One of the hardest things to do in writing is to start writing, right? Once you get started, it seems like it’s much easier to get the words out onto the screen, but starting is just hard. This was something I used to struggle with constantly, and I still do to some extent: You need to pump yourself up for writing. Now Laura, how do I do that? You may be asking yourself that question (or is it asking me?). Lucky for both of us, I have the answer. Today, let’s talk about five ways to pump yourself up for writing.

Pump Yourself Up for Writing

1. Have a mini dance party. Sometimes, we need to just get the blood flowing. Ever have an awesome five minute dance party? It just naturally boosts your mood and you’re ready to take on the world after…. or your manuscript.

2. Read one of your favorite scenes. If you feel like you’re not getting anywhere with your book, you need to figure out why you love your story to begin with. Go back and find a scene you absolutely loved writing and read it!

Do you struggle with starting your manuscript everyday? You may need to pump yourself up for writing! 5 tips to do so. Share on X

3. Take a break. If you’ve been working on other things, or even staring at your manuscript for a while, take a break. Go for a walk, or if you can’t go for a walk, get up and grab a snack or a drink of water.

4. Set a timer and read. Set a five minute timer and read one of your favorite books. Read a book that inspires you, so you’ll be excited to create your own awesome stories.

5. Say a few affirmations to yourself in the mirror. Pump yourself up in general. Make yourself feel good. There’s benefits to saying affirmations to yourself in the mirror. Use these to build some confidence in yourself, which will then help your writing. If you feel confident about your writing, you’ll be pumped to write!

How else do you pump yourself up for writing?

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