Reader or Writer? Who is Your Audience?

Back when I was thinking up the new Ginger & Co. brand, I knew I wanted to include a series about writing and marketing. After some thought, I realized that those types of posts wouldn’t fit into my demographic of Ginger & Co.
reader or writer
Hence Ginger & Books was born. While I talk more about writing on here, I had originally intended for this to be for readers, too. That obviously didn’t happen.
A few weeks ago, I participated in my first #storysocial chat. It’s a twitter chat for authors and writers about branding, blogging, and social media – so, of course, it’s right up my alley. But someone mentioned that readers and writers are two different types of people, and wouldn’t like the same kind of content.
I don’t even remember who said it, but that has stuck with me.
One of my biggest branding problems has always been my blogging brand versus my brand as an author. I’ve made several changes throughout the years, thinking I’d solved the problem. But it never felt good enough, but I kept going because I couldn’t think of anything else.
I think I’ve figured it out. I don’t know when it dawned on me, but I think I figured it out. Over the past few months, Ginger & Books has merged from a part of my author brand to more of the Ginger & Co. brand because of the name, and the way I promote it.
Do you have two separate brands for your readers and the other writers out there? Share on X
Ginger & Books is for writers, not readers. Readers are eventually where I’ll be directing my book to when it comes out. So, once again, it’s time to separate the brands.
I’ll be working on a website specifically for my writing and for my reader fans, but Ginger & Books will stay the same. I’ll also change all my social media to reflect Laura and not the Ginger brand. I don’t talk a lot about branding on this blog, but it’s something I think about everyday.
So, be prepared for some more awesomeness, but nothing else. I’ll make sure that everything is an easy transition. I do believe this will be the best way to serve both my book audience and other writers (and the audiences at Ginger & Co.).
So, tell me, if you have audiences that are readers and writers, how do you do it? Do you have two separate websites for each? Share your knowledge!

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