
September 2023 Recap

I can’t believe that it’s the end of September and it’s still hot as hell here in Texas. Actually, maybe I can, but even I am ready for cooler weather, a reason to use all the blankets and snuggle up with my boyfriend.

The end of September also provides the end of another quarter and the start of a new one is just a few days away. This quarter was a busy one, with a move, and schedule change and a trip home to visit my folks during the Labor Day weekend.

However, now that the end of the month is here, it’s time to reflect on how my goals went for the quarter.

G O A L O N E: Write the 1st draft of a new stand alone novel.

I didn’t finish the draft, but I did get over 50,000 words done in this draft. I’m putting it to the side until the new year, and I’ll probably spent Q1 or Q2 redoing the story. In an ideal world, I figure out a way to work on one story a quarter and then move to a different one the next quarter, and I can rotate between projects, in hopes of being able to publish more.

G O A L T W O: Focus on Tiktok to promote my books, because I seem to get better reach there than anywhere else. Tiktok has a benchmark of 1,000 followers before you can do things like links in your bio or go live, so that’s my ultimate goal.

I didn’t hit any of my goals as far as followers, but I also wasn’t as strict with myself on this goal. I did sit down and come up with a list of probably twenty ideas for tiktoks, so now I just have to actually film them.

G O A L T H R E E: Focus on improving my self care and work toward an average of 70 for a daily score. I set up a way to calculate my daily score in Notion, and my goal is to average 70. That includes things like spending time with my boyfriend, in a meaningful way, having a big creative breakthrough, or tidying up, because I’m terrible at that.

I need to be better about just taking stock of my daily score. I’m bad at that.

Another quarter is done, and it’s almost time for Quarter 4, which is historically the busiest quarter of the year.

Good luck to me.

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