September Goals
September is here upon us once again, and I’m hoping that it will cool down sooner rather than later. I’m also hoping to get out of the boot some point this month, so that’s something to look forward to, yes? September is the beginning of a busy semester, and I’m looking forward to everything that’s happening this semester.
But first, let’s take a look at my goals for August:
-first round of editing with the editor.
-at least half of the first draft of TA2.
-finish that philosophy class
-stay on top of blogging
-figure out that social media thing. because I’m sucking at it.
-keep going to the gym – until I had to stop because it was possibly causing a hairline fracture in my foot.
-try out trello
Okay, so I did about half. Again. Must break the cycle, must break it.
September goals:
-Finish edits with the editor
-finish first draft of TA2
-blog five days a week
-stay on top of my classes
-get the boot off
-start slowly building myself back up to the gym. After the boot is off.
-start applying for jobs, post-grad style.
-start planning for a TA release….. #ohsnap
Because it’s early in the semester, i don’t want to put too many goals up and fail. Still trying to break that half and half cycle, y’all! What do you hope to accomplish this month?