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The Best of the Books

All good things come to an end, right? 2017 has a been a year of growth (except for my waistline, that’s going down). In the next week, I’ll be making some big changes to Ginger & Co., and one of those changes is that I’ll be moving away from offering writing advice on the blog. You’ll still be able to find advice on social media and all the posts will still be here. But since I won’t be writing anymore (at least for the seeable future), I wanted to compile a “Best of” post. You’ll be able to reference all the best posts in one place. I still consider these posts to be a part of “Ginger & Books,” so without further ado, here’s the best of the books.

The Best of the Books


  1.  The Badass Guide to Naming Your Character
  2.  Why I Put My Main Character in Therapy
  3. Building Character Maps
  4.  Why You Should Make Your Character Do Shitty Things
  5. Is Strong the New Cliche?


  1.  How to Use News in Your Fiction
  2. The Baddass Guide to Creating Natural Dialogue
  3. 3 Unrelated Things to Think About When Plotting
  4.  Finding Your Book’s Location
  5.  5 Things About Love Triangles
  6. 5 More Things About Love Triangles
  7. The Mini Plot Structure
  8. Pitching Your Sequel


  1. Organize Your Series with Evernote
  2. Project Management from Authors


  1. Life with a Pen Name
  2. The Badass Guide to Pen Names


  1. Is Indie Publishing Right for You?
  2. Mistakes of an Indie Author
  3. Should You Do KDP Select or Not?
  4.  Launching New Author Sites
  5. Why a Writing Blog and Author Website are Different 
  6. Author Website 101: Content

And one that doesn’t quite fit in:

How to Write 10,000 Words in One Day

I’ve been giving out writing information in blog posts for two years, and while it’s weird to think this is the end for the blog posts, I’ll still have plenty of other ways to give out awesome writing information.

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