The Mid-Month NaNoWriMo Check-In

The Mid-Month NaNoWriMo Check-In

Tomorrow marks the halfway point of this year’s NaNoWriMo competition. According to my nifty little tracker, I should be at 23,338 words and at 25,003 tomorrow. Right now, I’m at 7,000. So NaNo is going splendidly, thanks for asking.

The Mid-Month NaNoWriMo Check-In

There’s a variety of reasons why I’m behind but I still have a strategy to make up for these days. I’m still optimistic with a few days off from work, I can get this 50,000 mark by November 30th.

You see the first two weekends of November were pretty crazy. The first weekend, I worked half the weekend and spent the other half running errands just doing boring adult things. While I got some writing in, by day three, I was already behind.

Then this past weekend, I spent the weekend at my cousin’s wedding a few hours away. That took up all of Saturday, so again, felt like a one-day weekend. As someone who tries to get a lot done during my weekend, not having a full weekend yet has hurt my writing a lot. That’s catch up time and there’s no catch-up time.

That changes starting now though. I have tomorrow off for my birthday, so I’m planning to spend most of my three-day weekend writing, I hope. My goal is 15,000 words through the weekend to get almost caught up.

Additionally, I have a normal two day weekend next weekend where I can write all weekend and then I have four days off for Thanksgiving. If I can get 2,000 words each day I’m off, I should be able to finish this, right?

I certainly hope.

I’ll admit, too, it’s been almost two years since I was in this world and in Cassie’s head, this is hard to get back into, harder than I thought it would be. Either way, I’m still determined I’m going to win this. Just in time to turn around and publish another book.


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