The Unanticipated Break
When I first started Ginger + Books as a sub-site of Ginger + Co., I had planned to have lots of great posts and writing tips. That obviously did not happen.
Then The Assassin went on postponement and I decided whether I was going to pull the plug on Ginger + Books or not. I decided its staying. I wrote tips about writing before I planned to self-publish a book, why not after I decide to wait?
So this is starting over. Tuesdays and Thursdays, you can expect awesome posts here from Ginger + Books. If you aren’t already, follow the main site (Ginger + Co.) where there’s tips about blogging, college, and organizing everyday.
Seven posts in five days, obviously I am crazy, and I know it. So, Thursday I will be back with some awesome tips and until then, rock your Tuesday!