Where I Want to go After this Pandemic

Where I Want to go After this Pandemic

What a weird time to be alive, am I right? This weekend, I hitting the road to go visit my family with my boyfriend and I can’t wait. It’s the start of summer, it’ll be nice to get out of the apartment for a weekend and just enjoy time with the family. A few weeks ago though, we talked about hoping on a plane and going somewhere in the country.

Where I Want to go After this Pandemic

While that’s fun and I can’t wait to actually do that for a weekend, I want to wait a little longer until things start opening up again, like Broadway. Which got me thinking, if we could take a plane anywhere in the country, where would I want to go?

Seems like I have a lot of traveling to go to.

  1. NYC – Broadway is one of the biggest reasons, but when I was a little high schooler, I wanted to live there. .So many big PR firms have global headquarters there, too, so with a PR degree in my future at the time, that was something I thought I could make happen.
  2. Denver – When I was in high school, my family did a road trip to the Grand Canyon and I loved the mountains, especially in Flagstaff, where we stayed. While I’m never going to be someone who hightails it to live in the mountains, I do think they’re pretty. Mix an urban area with that pretty background and I’d love to at least go visit once.
  3. Salt Lake – for a lot of the reasons I want to go to Denver, I want to see Salt Lake, too. My dad used to work for a company based out of Salt Lake and always talked about how nice it was.
  4. Washington D.C. – this would be a repeat place to go to, as I went in high school. Thanks to the internet, i can visit so many places online (looking at you Google maps) but it doesn’t beat stepping food somewhere and seeing it with your own eyes. Since The Cassie Morgan Series takes place in D.C., I’d love to go back and take a moment to walk through some of the places she goes to day in and out.
  5. Weld County, Colorado – this one is super random, but Weld County has the most tornado warnings on average a year. And the state of Wyoming is trying to poach the county from Colorado, so it’s home to a good ole fashioned political showdown, and while I’m not in politics anymore, I’d love to get an idea of what it feels like there.

I’ve always been a bit of a homebody, but lately I’ve really had an itch to go see new places, starting with places here in the United States. Where do you want to go once the pandemic is over?


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