July Goals

Looking back on the month of June, I’m really proud that I’m still standing strong. Life through me a lot of things, but it’s all good. I went through a rough few weeks, but after some changes, I’m feeling so much better.
july goals
Lessons were learned, and that’s what life is all about.
So, looking back at June, let’s break down my goals.
-work on edits for The Assassin, I’d like to get more than half of this done
-work on a different e-book (that will hopefully be out by the end of the summer)
-Do really well on my internship
-figuring out my darn social media schedule
-keep walking more (this will happen with my job)
-keep up with blogging
-get out of my rut
Wow, I sucked at goals last month!
Just to kind of clarify. My job last month was direct marketing. It’s hard, long hours, on your feet all day. One of the biggest lessons I learned was almost a slap in the face. I’ve dealt with my thyroid disease for almost five years, but I had never really experienced a whole roadblock from it as big as this.
I would get tired so easily, and in direct marketing, you have to be energetic. It takes me a long time to recover. With the long hours, day after day, I just felt more exhausted, I was in more pain, and got more and more negative, and started really kind of hating myself again.
The lack of enthusiasm to do my job because of the thyroid showed. So, my boss gave me the option to leave and I did. The people at my job were all wonderful people, but sometimes things aren’t a good fit. On the bright side, I know that direct marketing is not for me, and I won’t have to learn that lessons again.
Because I was so tired all the time, I didn’t really do anything outside of work. That was part of my problem, I was so tired, I couldn’t be creative.
Leaving was a good lesson for me – both about myself and my health, and also about what to do when life throws you a curveball you aren’t expecting. The job was going to be a nice paying one, but now, I’m having to get creative on how I pay my bills. I’ve been doing some virtual assistance work, and god bless my clients who have put up with my sudden nagging for more work.
July will be an interesting month, but I’m feeling really optimistic.
-go through all of The Assassin.
go to the gym three times a week
-finish one of those e-books
-get back onto a blogging schedule
-do that philosophy class (last regular class ever!)
-figure out my social media schedule and whether I want to just combine everything
-read at least three fiction books and four non-fiction books
-build my email lists (yes, plural)
I feel like that’s a good, solid list of things I want to get done this month. Seems reasonable enough, right? What are you hoping to get done this month?

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